
Frank Stubbs, Fans’ Diarist, February 14, 2008, 13.27 PM
As Arsenal fans, our support for the Club’s chosen charity has and will continue to be well documented with Childline, The Rocastle Trust and The Willow Foundation and more importantly those they help with their incredibly dedicated work all benefitting in recent times.

As a supporters club down in Maidstone, our fundraising for these organisations is something we take very seriously and as part of these ongoing efforts Sue, Matt, Mary Ann and Elaine all joined me on a recent visit to the Treehouse School, just a few miles up the road from Arsenal, in Muswell Hill, North London.

I am sure with the Club’s help by increasing awareness most of you will already be aware of the fantastic work Treehouse continues to undertake since their formation back in 1997 but for those of you that don’t it is a charity that through education and other means transforms the lives of children with autism.

Each of those who took the trip to the school has a connection with autism, be it through work or personal reasons, except for me and as a result my own lack of knowledge was something I was looking forward to improving.

A massive thanks to both Vicky and Caroline for not only making us feel so very welcome but giving us such a detailed insight into the tremendous work they do.

We were able to see the classes and groups in action as our visit obviously coincided with a normal day at the school and seeing the smiles on the kids’ faces was very special.

After spending the last 10 years or so in temporary accommodation work continues on the construction of their new permanent building and the continued raising of funds has very much helped this to become reality. As visitors it was very easy to feel the sense of excitement amongst everyone present that this particular development is nearing completion.

For obvious reasons it was also very interesting to hear information concerning visiting members of our squad and just how rewarding they are for the kids. The picture in my head of Cesc or Willy Gallas painting with their feet with kids climbing all over them is one to savour!

Overall we all agreed we found the whole visit not only very interesting and educational but extremely rewarding and humbling too. A totally worthwhile morning in the sunshine!

Our and Arsenal’s support helps greatly in the continued development of Treehouse but like all charities the fundraising efforts and targets never end if they are to have a bright future. For more information please go to

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